Easy to Use Activities For the Developmental Stages of Reading and Writing
- Hold infants and talk to them while reading books. Cuddling with books will creative positive memories of books for your child.
- Begin regular times to read aloud to your child.
- Encourage babies to explore books, so they learn how to handle them. This also helps with hand motor development and hand-eye coordination.
- Allow babies to explore different textures by giving them cloth books, plastic books for bath time, and board books.
- Talk, read, and sing to your child. It is good for them to hear different sounds. This is preparing them for reading and learning that words are made up of sound. Nursery Rhymes are great and childhood songs like Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, and Ten Little Piggies.
- Repeat the sounds your infant makes back to them.
- Talk about your daily routines as you are going through them.
- Visit the library regularly they have great story times and many offer interactive story times for parents and infants.
- Identify and name objects for your infant