LDA has moved!

Dear Friends of LDA Minnesota,

In 2008, LDA Minnesota purchased an office building at 6100 Golden Valley Road in Golden Valley. Thank you to all of our donors and supporters who contributed to our capital campaign, helping to purchase and update the building. This home served us well for many years and we enjoyed the freedom and convenience of owning a building. We hosted workshops, events, and teacher graduations in the space along with our weekly ADHD support group, diagnostic assessments, and tutoring. Our staff had a welcoming space to work, meet, and especially enjoyed potlucks in the updated kitchen and break room.

Over the pandemic we found our programs and staff adjusted to working at home and online. Like many organizations, we established new ways of being together and delivering service and have not gone back to pre-pandemic ways of work. Our building has been underutilized since 2020 and when a buyer approached us with an offer to purchase, we took some time to reflect on our building usage and future plans.

In late 2023, LDA’s Board of Directors approved the sale of the building. It’s bittersweet to leave our building, but we are excited for a new chapter in LDA’s history. Our new office is located at 5101 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 6000 in Golden Valley. It’s a smaller office space, which will fit our staffing and in-office program needs. Additionally, LDA’s new office will lower our occupancy costs as well as provide a welcoming place for both our staff and clients. We’ll be opening our office for visitors this Fall. Stay tuned for an invitation to visit us!

Our programs continue to grow and expand as we approach the 2024-2025 academic year. We secured a large grant from the MN Department of Education to support our teacher mentoring. We are expanding our network of school partners in teacher preparation & licensure through our relationship with INDIGO Education, and we will double our Learning Connections school-based services in Minneapolis and St. Paul. It’s an exciting time for the organization, full of change and new possibilities.

Thank you for your continued support of our mission and work. More than ever, LDA’s programs are helping children and families thrive and lead fulfilled lives.

Warmest Regards,

Martha Moriarty

Executive Director

LDA Minnesota

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