Year 2: Summer Session

SPED 130: Understanding Functions of Behavior and Developing Proactive Plans (4 units). Special Education teachers are faced with trends in service delivery and intervention that come and go throughout their career. The focus of this course is on the critical analysis of recurrent conceptual and practical issues regarding special education service provision to students with significant behavioral concerns. This course is meant to be taken after the candidate has already had a framework for managing behavior in the classroom. The focus will be on the use of supportive, positive and preventive management strategies, determining the function of problem behavior and understanding the legal rights of students with problem behaviors. This course is intended to teach culturally relevant critical thinking skills that can be applied to new research findings and interventions as they develop over the course of your career.

SPED 150 Transition from School to Work and Community Living (4 units). This course will emphasize the use and application of effective strategies and models for improving the transition of youth from school to work and community living for students grade 9 through age 21. This will include course content that specifically addresses all phases of student assessment; individualized transition planning; parent, family and student involvement in designing post school options; use of appropriate community-based services (employment, residential living, social and recreational services); and comprehensive interagency approaches to transition.

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