Join other adults with ADHD who face similar challenges that friends and family might not understand. This discussion group provides an open and confidential opportunity to meet others with ADHD and share strategies to manage the challenges of ADHD. This group is for adults who would benefit from regular support.

The group is free of charge and facilitated by trained volunteers.


Additional Information:


Morning group is held every Thursday from 10:00 am - 12 noon in-person and online in Zoom or Monthly evening group on the second and fourth Thursday of each month from 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm online in Zoom


LDA Minnesota, 5101 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 6000, Golden Valley, MN 55422. Driving directions and bus routes.


New participants, please call 952-582-6000 or email LDA if you have questions or need further information.  No registration required to attend support groups.